среда, 14 марта 2012 г.

Stone Age People Search for Modern Love

Really, it's too depressing. After years of denial, Timemagazine has forced me to accept that my old-fashioned "all guys andgals are not after one thing" mindset is hopelessly naive.

I should have known. In the last year, we've weathered: thePackwood accusations; the Bill Clinton-Paula Jones saga and, mostrecently, the news that a woman's claim that she was raped byhoopster Derrick Coleman - and her demand for comforting cash - wasdebunked by DNA testing.

But I couldn't accept the obvious, as stated by a male friendwho'd just listened to my romantic "It's all about love" ravings.Sighing, Michael said, "No. With men, it's all about friction."

I even …

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