WASHINGTON - Millions of low-income Americans who get healthinsurance through Medicaid could see their benefits trimmed under a"no run-around" plan that President Bush offered states today. Hehopes they will use the savings to cover some of those with noinsurance at all.
"The goals of Medicaid are too important to get bogged down in abureaucracy," Bush said in his weekly radio address.
The plan gives states new power to shape the package of benefitsoffered to some 12 million people whose states have added to theirMedicaid programs. It would not affect the poorest Americans, whoare automatically eligible for Medicaid coverage and whose benefitswould remain unchanged.
In exchange for the flexibility, states will be required to setgoals for reducing their number of uninsured residents and thendocument their progress.
"If they meet those conditions, the federal government standsready to help expand health insurance coverage to those who need itmost - no uncertainty and no run-around," Bush said.
The rules changes can be implemented without involvement byCongress.
Following the president's radio speech, Health and Human ServicesSecretary Tommy Thompson planned to flesh out the details in ameeting today with the nation's governors in Providence, R.I.
In a statement, Thompson summarized the plan as a way of cuttingthrough the bureaucratic red tape "that stifles new approaches toexpanding health coverage."
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