Fed: New Democrats interim leader calls for reconciliation=5
Senator Greig told Seven Sunrise he will consider standing for the permanent partyleadership in October.
"I want to see how the membership across Australia reacts to last night's events andhow they react to me personally and feel about the dynamics that they now have in theirparty and their party room," he said.
Senator Greig said he would not be inviting Senator Lees to rejoin the party.
"I have no difficulty having a friendship and having a civil relationship with SenatorLees," he said.
"But in terms of encouraging or inviting her back to the party, no, that's not my position.
"I feel that when a person leaves a party and takes with them a party's seat you don'tgo running after them."
If Senator Lees applied to rejoin the party, her application would be considered controversialand so be subject to approval by the party's national executive, he said.
"My feeling is that given the mood of the current NE (national executive) such a controversialapplication would not be accepted, but who knows," Senator Greig said.
AAP mk/kp
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